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Succeed Professionally, Beat the Pandemic Blues!

This article is about Prospering from home: We all love to read quality blogs and articles. It’s a great way to learn something new, something useful; or to be entertained. Salesforce articles serve as an accessible source of amazing bits of advice. For your convenience, we’ve compiled a list of the 5 best articles concerning the work from home and how to manage everything in this time of crisis, In these excellent articles you will surely find the motivation to push forward.

Let us quickly go over these astonishing blogs to learn from the experience of these brilliant individuals.

Adapting Your AI Strategy for Managing Crisis-Induced Volatility: Essential Tips and Strategies - Sarah Aerni

Where AI predictions can go wrong?

How to Adjust Your AI Strategy to Address Volatility in a Time of Crisis | Sarah Aerni

Think about the numerous changes you've made in your lifestyle in the course of these recent weeks. Expand it with thousands, millions, and even billions of other people making a very similar change in their habits and lifestyle, and you can envision the vulnerability it makes for organizations that only depends on artificial intelligence in their client workflows.

Reliable models are suddenly unfit to precisely foresee a result:

  • A predictive model can't adapt to an unforeseen requirement of increased staffing. 

  • A lead scoring model for sales has no data on how widespread school closure impacts customer meetings. 

  • Churn models exclude factors for social distancing or unexpected huge job loss.

Artificial intelligence utilizes authentic and historic information to make exact predictions. But as a matter of fact, this pandemic is losing anticipated outcomes. While models can adapt and learn but the quick changes right now in motion make it tough for them to catch on quickly.

Continue reading Sarah Aerni (Director of Machine Learning and Engineering at Salesforce) post here.

Remote Work Essentials: 5 Tips for Higher Education Institutions and Nonprofit Organizations - Jennifer Tate

The Rise of Remote Workers: At the point when the internet was born during the 1980s, employers started permitting their employees to work from their homes. As innovation keeps on developing, so does the remote workforce. In the previous five years alone in the USA only, the number of people working outside of a physical office area has developed about 800k individuals to incorporate 3.4% of the populace.

5 tips for higher education institutions and nonprofit organizations working remotely - Jennifer Tate

This latest COVID-19 virus has grappled the world by its teeth with no preventive measure or cure in sight. To reduce the spread of this worldwide pandemic, employers everywhere started requiring employees to accomplish their work from home, whenever the situation allows. Virtual working has now become 'another normal,' thing in our world and understanding the subtleties of remote work can mean the distinction between skating by and flourishing right now. 

Essential Guidance: 5 Key Tips for Higher Education and Nonprofit Employers Transitioning to Remote Work

1) Be extra intentional in everything you do: Despite the fact that you're working remotely, your business still needs to continue. Your constituents need you now like never before and your mission is still important, regardless of where your office resides.

2) Be explicit with your success metrics: It’s important to understand the metrics your business is looking to amplify. Figure out who is driving your goal setting and what success ultimately looks like.

3) Be trusting: Trust is the ability to ask questions, share answers, and have each other’s back.

4) Be engaged with your company: Engage and Connect with your employees and associates on a video call, or chat about your interests in office instant messaging groups.

5) Be empowered by the right technology: Ask and assist your employees on what technology do they need to do their job well

Continue reading Jennifer Tate (Marketing Director at Cloud for Good) post here.

Tips and Tricks for Telecommuting Success - LeeAnne Rimel

In the following article writer is explaining about her amazing experience of converting her office job to work from home. You must read this:

Tips and Tricks for Telecommuting Success - LeeAnne Rimel

Six years back I transitioned from working in an occupied and bustling downtown office to being a full-time remote worker. I cherished the workplace with my co-workers, yet working from home gave me another awesome opportunity to live in a different location, get a pet, and evacuate everyday travel friction. I love working from home, however, it was anything but a simple transition! I struggled with dealing with my timetable, making boundaries between work/home life, and taking care of myself too. During this progress, I learned so much that it has helped in my telecommuting being a constructive move for my career, personal life, and health. I want to share the absolute best advice and tips that I have learned en route to assist you with being successful with telecommuting. 

  • Make a New Routine: getting your morning routine down to a tee will have a huge impact on how you work — and feel — for the rest of the day.

  • Set a Work-space: Working from home doesn’t mean working in bed. Shower and get dressed like you would in an office job. Designate a dedicated area in your home as your personal workspace.

  • Include Time for Social Engagements: Maintaining social connections after work can be challenging when there are no colleagues to go out for drinks with. Stay connected with the world around you by scheduling FaceTime calls, virtual hangouts, or engaging in online networking activities.

  • Mindful Selfcare: Everyone has their own method when it comes to working from home, but one of the most important things to remember when working remotely is to create a distinction between your work and personal life.

  • Request What You Need: Telecommuting may appear easy for other people, but it feels difficult for you, it's good to convey where you need help or feedback!

Continue reading LeeAnne Rimel (Admin Evangelism at Salesforce) post here.

Coronavirus Support Package: Learning, Events & More - Paul Ginsberg

In this article, The writer is telling how she chose to distance herself from everybody in this pandemic. To jump directly to the dark side, by Friday she was already feeling a little ill and have been already been in this situation before; In her younger days she has experienced extreme depression but in the end, everything went well and she recovered.

Coronavirus Support Package: Learning, Events & More - Paul Ginsberg

Considering that, this blog is all about how to stay balanced and sane with a strong dose of Salesforce. This is your chance to upskill yourself and gain significant social contact and support that the Salesforce Ohana offers us. 

Here are the list to make you go are around the topics of: 

  • Learning: Learning has no age limit, and it's important to continuously seek new experiences and knowledge in both personal and professional aspects of life. Never stop learning and exploring throughout your life journey.

  • Events: Despite the fact that numerous events in the Salesforce calendar have been postponed or dropped, there are still some that will proceed and you should really explore them.

  • Socializing: There are two Salesforce-specific places that spring to mind: Ohana Slack and The Brainiate Academy

  • Work: Believe it or not, one way to work from home productively is to dive into your to-do list as soon as you wake up. 

  • Home: In order to stay sharp and happy working from home, you’ll need to set a boundary between office and personal life

Continue reading Paul Ginsberg (Business Systems Manager at Watersportverbond) post here.

How to Maintain Customer Relationships While Working Remotely - Polly Sumner

In this next blog: writer is narrating about her experiences and her learning during this pandemic and she have some amazing tips to share with us all.

How to Maintain Customer Relationships While Working Remotely - Polly Sumner

My responsibility is to make sure that each client gets the most value out of Salesforce, yet my passion is setting up and establishing trust. As the Chief Adoption Officer, I invest the greater part of my time - meeting with clients all around the globe. It's that interaction that encourages me to help them. 

On any other day, I'm arriving in another city with a tight schedule, shuffling from plane to car to customer meeting to the hotel and afterward back the other way. That all changed over-night.

As worries over the Coronavirus raised, out of an alert, Salesforce asked many of us to begin telecommuting. 

The following are a couple of practices I've implemented these previous weeks to keep up solid client connections and construct new ones, even while I'm not out. I trust that by sharing, you too can have the option to strengthen your bonds during these challenging times

  • Tune in to your team: Let’s be realistic. Your colleagues aren’t going to be thinking about how they can support their customers if they are stressed over what's going on at home.

  • Listen to your clients: This is a period for deep listening. It is significant now like never before. Remind your colleagues to really hear you out what their customers are concerned about and to show that they are truly there for them.

  • Learn together: Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much. Learning together can be very effective.

  • Be aware of the client's time: Sometimes, the most ideal approach to demonstrate respect is to be aware of your customers’ time. Don’t let small talk overstay its welcome. Keep agendas tight and focused so your clients can get back to their work and home priorities.

Continue reading Polly Sumner (Chief Adoption Officer at Salesforce) post here.

The trend of telecommuting is encountering a major lift as organizations move to digital channels and more individuals are staying away from physical social events. The Coronavirus outbreak has made almost all organizations to shift the work from home practice for employees. While some might be used to this, others may feel lost in the activity. To break and benefit as much as possible from your work from home situation, we have organized these articles composed by some of the accomplished leaders of our Salesforce ecosystem and we hope these will surely help you in staying associated as a team during this COVID-19 crisis.

Hopefully, This pandemic will pass soon. For the present, make an effort to avoid physical gatherings or go into hectic places. You should go through this article of World Health Organization Post on Coronavirus spread and what we can do to lessen the effect on the world and other detailed information. Here is another crystal clear video which clearly demystifies common myths people are assuming to be true

Furthermore, concerning your Business, this is the ideal opportunity for you to double down. Try not to be afraid when others are already scared.





