Salesforce. AI. Web3

CEO Abhinav Gupta CEO Abhinav Gupta

Salesforce Winter’11 Release – More guess work on whats coming next !

Salesforce releases are exciting for me, I am always eager to know whats coming next in this release. While writing some other blog post on “Chatter for Winter’11”, I was going thru Quinton’s blog post on Salesforce blog. On a screen shot on this blog post, I noticed a few interesting things (might be related to Winter’11 release), those are highlighted in red circles in picture below…

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CEO Abhinav Gupta CEO Abhinav Gupta

ApacheAxis & WSC Partner WSDL Sobject compared !

This post compares “com.sforce.soap.partner.sobject.SObject” generated by compiling Partner WSDL with WSC, to SObject class generated with Java libs like Apache Axis. This might be of interest for those developers who compiled Partner WSDL with other libs like Apache CXF etc..

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CEO Abhinav Gupta CEO Abhinav Gupta

Salesforce WSC ApacheAxis Session Sharing

Yesterday’s blog post explained how to best use Apache Axis and WSC stubs in parallel on same JVM or Project. This post reveals another small trick for developers using both WSC and Apache Axis WSDL2Java stubs together in a project/jvm. The trick focuses on reducing the number of login() call via Partner or Enterprise Stubs…

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CEO Abhinav Gupta CEO Abhinav Gupta

WSC Apache Axis ClassCastException Issue Fixed !

This post is specially for those, having a Java Application(Production) working with SFDC web services via Apache-Axis stubs(WSDL2Java), but because of known advantages from WSC, you want to add some new functionality, like Bulk API as mentioned in SFDC blog here…

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CEO Abhinav Gupta CEO Abhinav Gupta

Tolerado SFDC WSC Helper APIs

I am researching on how to best use & integrate “WSC” with Tolerado. This research mainly focuses on

How to preserve and reuse a single sfdc login session across the all the WSDLs. This should again go in transparent fashion as with Tolerado for Apache Axis…

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CEO Abhinav Gupta CEO Abhinav Gupta

Why WS-Client should RETRY Web Service Exceptions ?

Web Services are something that are either used as provider or client by almost every developer. Web services are usually exposed via SOAP, these days RESTful web services are common too. One thing common in all types web services is HTTP protocol, its the base protocol wrapped by SOAP / REST implementations…

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CEO Abhinav Gupta CEO Abhinav Gupta

Fast save and refresh on Eclipse IDE developers spend lot of coding time waiting for file SAVE operation to finish. This is specially panic for developers working on huge projects having many classes, pages, objects and components…

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Tech Abhinav Gupta Tech Abhinav Gupta

Secure YUI Combo Usage Guide

YUI Dependency Configurator is a great tool for getting a single unified JS or CSS instead of several css/js files. Only problem with that is it doesn't works over "HTTPS". Browser's like Internet Explorer fail to load a web page delivered over HTTPS containing JS/CSS delivered over un-secure(HTTP) URLs…

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CEO Abhinav Gupta CEO Abhinav Gupta

Fast Apex XML Dom Quick Started Guide !

This post explains how to quickly start using the new wrapper Apex API. Developers coding previously on either Ron Hess’s XmlDOM or standard w3c xmldom will feel almost no difference and no learning curve in using this API…

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