Salesforce. AI. Web3
Tolerado WSC integration close to complete !
I mentioned few days back about starting integration of Tolerado with WSC. The latest updates on this integration are
Tolerado-WSC is code complete [beta* :)]. I am testing the API now…
Tolerado SFDC WSC Helper APIs
I am researching on how to best use & integrate “WSC” with Tolerado. This research mainly focuses on
How to preserve and reuse a single sfdc login session across the all the WSDLs. This should again go in transparent fashion as with Tolerado for Apache Axis…
How Tolerado improves the Salesforce Web Service Client code !
Developers are always too concerned about many things, like making the Web Service call work right for them and implementing the biz requirements. So handling exceptions and giving them proper treatment is mostly not a priority…
Why WS-Client should RETRY Web Service Exceptions ?
Web Services are something that are either used as provider or client by almost every developer. Web services are usually exposed via SOAP, these days RESTful web services are common too. One thing common in all types web services is HTTP protocol, its the base protocol wrapped by SOAP / REST implementations…
Fast save and refresh on Eclipse IDE developers spend lot of coding time waiting for file SAVE operation to finish. This is specially panic for developers working on huge projects having many classes, pages, objects and components…
Fast Apex XML DOM updated with 3 new Node APIs
Today I was done with coding the 3 important missing API’s in Fast Apex XML DOM’s TODO list. The latest code is checked into Google Code SVN. Following are the newly added API’s to TG_XmlNode.cls..
Fast Apex Xml Dom on “” CodeShare Now !
Apex wrapper classes aka “Fast Apex XML Dom” has reached a point that I can share with all on Codeshare. Now Apex test classes have more than 95% code coverage(All Legal, no fake lines added :)))…
Fast Apex XML Dom Quick Started Guide !
This post explains how to quickly start using the new wrapper Apex API. Developers coding previously on either Ron Hess’s XmlDOM or standard w3c xmldom will feel almost no difference and no learning curve in using this API…
Visualforce Page to Component JavaScript client side communication
On many occasions we might need to access some HTML DOM element inside a component from page using JavaScript. Example scenarios can be page fetching value of text field inside a component using JavaScript…
A Bad Design Story—Apex Dom Document XmlNode
While doing some coding using the new Apex DOM classes, I felt so frustrated regarding the BAD class design, that I decided to write a post covering my experiences.
Visualforce Salesforce jQuery Ajax, how to?
This post is for those who want to make AJAX calls in VisualForce using 3rd party JavaScript frameworks like JQuery, Yui, Dojo, etc. Though most of the time the built-in visual force Ajax works pretty well, you don’t need to make your hands dirty by doing this.
Java J2ee Struts Spring JSP Cross Site Scripting or XSS framework library tools
There are many ways to handle XSS or cross-site scripting problems in Java, J2EE, Struts, Spring, and JSP. This post covers the most popular tools and ways to do that. In this post, I will explain tools like:
XSS Testing Acceptance Tools Software Frameworks comparison
This post covers the free or paid tools and software available for XSS or Cross Side Scripting testing. These tools are not specific to any programming language and can used with any of .NET, Java, J2EE, PHP, Ruby or Python web applications…